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Hellenistic Helmet Oil Lamp
Hellenistic Helmet Oil Lamp
$ 491,50
The people who lived on the lands of Pergamon called Mycenaeans used helmets representing their nation to distinguish their soldiers from the others in wars. The details on these helmets provided information on which troop the soldiers belonged. The Mycenaeans took the side of the Trojans in the Trojan wars. Helmets have been used since ancient times as a personal close defense weaponry and especially as a shield to protect the warrior’s head against deathblows. Although it is a protective armament, it has been also used as an adjuvant of splendor in state and military ceremonies with its remarkable appearance. Several examples of similar helmets can be found in many collections and museums all across the world. This Hellenistic Helmet Oil Lamp draws its inspiration from the Mycenaean bronze helmet displayed at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, Germany. The original helmet, many other artifacts and the whole Pergamon Temple and the Altar of Zeus was removed from Turkey. The Hellenistic Helmet Oil Lamp is produced from handmade glass and decorated with gold and bronze paints.
  • Diameter : 19,4 cm
  • Height : 13 cm
  • Product origin : Turkey
Cleaning Instructions
It is recommended to use a dry cloth to clean it. It should not come into contact with a damp cloth or water
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