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"Gülçehre" Decorative Ewer
"Gülçehre" Decorative Ewer
$ 2.678,00
Ewers are lidded and handled-vessels with wide bodies and slim necks. As well as being used to assist the washing of hands and face in Ottoman culture, different forms of ewers were also used for the serving of liquids such as sherbet in the palace kitchens and in mansions. The patterns on the Gu¨lçehre Ewer have been created by the re-interpretation of patterns on a Turkish coffeepot in the collection of Topkapı Palace Museum dating back to the 19th century. This particular Turkish coffeepot was initially a present of Sultan Abdulhamid II to the mausoleum of Mohammed, the Prophet, later on Fahreddin Pasha brought the valuable pieces to Istanbul, as well as the above mentioned Turkish coffee-pot and placed them in the Treasury of the Ottoman Palace. The Gu¨lçehre Ewer is made of hand-made glass. All the relief patterns on the ewer have been hand-decorated with 24 carat gold gilt and glass paint.
Temporarily Out of Stock
  • Diameter : 20 cm
  • Length : 40 cm
  • 100% hand-made.
  • 100% hand-made.
Cleaning Instructions
It is recommended to use a dry cloth to clean it. It should not come into contact with a damp cloth or water
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